Discover biogas
for your farm
Discover biogas
for your farm
If you’re exploring biogas for the first time, or if you’re ready to plan a facility for your farm, you’ve come to the right place. is the go-to source for agricultural biogas information and connections in Canada.
Interested in starting your own biogas project? Learn how these 3 farmers use anaerobic digesters on their farms.
Dicklands Biogas
Owner: George Dick
Chilliwack, BC
Marl Creek Renewables
Owner: Carl Frook
Elmwood, ON
Grow the Energy Circle Ltd. (GrowTEC)
Co-Owner: Chris Perry
Chin, AB
On-farm biogas systems use anaerobic digestion (AD) to recycle livestock manure and crop residue. This process produces biogas, which creates environmental and business opportunities for the farm.
AD recovers valuable resources from organic matter, transforming waste into green energy and value-added products.
AD enables reuse of nutrients and even animal bedding, reducing a farm’s environmental footprint and input costs.
AD creates a renewable source of energy (heat, electricity and natural gas) that can be used on-farm or sold to utilities to diversify a farm’s income.
The Canadian Biogas Association is the source to connect you with information and expertise to get your farm started with biogas.
Contact UsThis initiative was funded in part through the Agricultural Clean Technology Program administered by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, FortisBC and by the Governments of Canada and British Columbia under Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.